Mosquito Control services
- Same Day Services 7 days a Week
- Professional Mosquito Technics
- Guaranteed Services
- Safe for humans, pets and envronment
let's help you deal with mosquitoes!
We all struggle with it.
I mean the unmistakable irritation you get after being bitten by these creatures.
Mosquitoes may look super weak in their elongated shaky legs, but when they sink their teeth
into your flesh you instantly feel it.
The way their saliva causes an allergic reaction with your skin
is so nasty that sometimes just talking about them makes one develop goosebumps. But don't worry. We are here to help you. But first let's share some helpful information
What are the common types of mosquitoes in Kenya?
Because of their small size, it’s usually difficult to tell the difference between them. But there are 3 common species of mosquitoes in Kenya. Now let’s look at each one of them individually.
1. Anopheles Mosquito
Anopheles mosquito is the most common type. Females feed on blood while male Anopheles
feed on nectar. The females actually can’t survive without the blood meal because it’s crucial for
egg development. Female Anopheles is the one that transmits Malaria.
During the day, you’ll find them relaxing in regions with less light. Like inside wardrobe, in the
corners of the room, under the table and even on the darker part of the ceiling. Anopheles are
dark greyish and like standing at 45-degree angle with the surface.
2. Culex Mosquito
Culex Mosquito share the physical appearances with the Anopheles. It’s hard to tell them apart
but when you look at them when resting you’ll find Culex mosquito sit parallel to the surface
while Anopheles assumes an angle.
Culex mosquitoes spread elephantiasis disease – a painful diseases that results into disfigured
3. Aedes Mosquito
The is the most unique among the three. It’s black with white patches and it’s slightly larger in
size compared with the first two.
It’s one the most dangerous and it spreads quite anumber of diseases including The Zika Virus,
The Dengue Fever, The Yellow Fever and Rift Valley Fever
Have a close look at this video to see what mosquitoes do to your skin

Interesting facts about mosquitoes

1. Mosquitoes need only a cup full of water to lay eggs and breed.
2. Mosquitoes can grow from egg – larva – adult in under 10 days
3. Mosquitoes detect you from as far as 35 feet using C02 and warmth coming from you.
4. Mosquitoes are attracted to darker color. So wearing bright coloured clothes helps
Practical tips to help you control mosquitoes
As we’ve seen, mosquitoes is a constant threat to millions of precious human life. Effective
control of these deadly disease vectors calls for cooperation and participation of all the
members in the household.
It’s especially important to let everyone at home including househelps to play part in the journey
towards mosquito free environment.
Here are some effective things you can do:
1. Avoid stagnant water in the compound: most of us know that even a cup of water left
staying stagnant within the compound it not good. But it’s not uncommon to see flower
pots, children toys, old tires and related items collecting water in the compound.
2. Cover water in drums: this too is a no brainer. Make sure all the water stored for use is
covered with a tight lid. Even water in the bathroom left on basins for 5 days is a threat.
3. Regularly check for blockage of gutter: Debris like falling leaves and packaging
papers blown by wind land on the roof and during rain they move and block the gutter.
This creates collected water favourable for mosquito breeding.
4. Keep windows closed or use insect screen: Keeping windows closed will prevent
mosquitoes from getting inside especially early morning or evening. You can also fit
screens on windows.
5. Use natural repellants: Essential oils like neem, eucalyptus , lemon grass are proven to
help keeping mosquitoes away. Some insecticides are in fact made using this oils. You
can also be creative and plant them on your garden and don’t forget adding merigold.
What to Expect on the treatment day
A vetted and trained technician will arrive in an unmarked vehicle /PSV/bike/Uber for confidentiality
He’ll ask you general question with regard to history of the problem
We’ll do thorough inspection of the rooms starting with bed rooms
We’ll execute an effective mosquito treatment
Step back into your bug free and odour free house after 2 hours
You’ll be expected to open windows and doors (if possible) for 1 hour so the fumes settles.
Agile Pest® backs up service with a 60-day warranty
Expect a follow up call from us in 7 days to know how you are fairing on.
pricing (Ksh.)
ONE ROOM – 2500 2000
BEDSITTER – 3000 2800
1 BEDROOM – 4500 4200
2 BEDROOM – 5500 5200
3 BEDROOM – 6500 6300
4 BEDROOM – 7500 7300
5 BEDROOM – 8500 8300